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Gwenafuna - Trumpets


Ono owange gwe nafuna

Simanyi ani ali munkyaya

Ono wange gwenafuna anjagala tanimba kyitufu ate nga mwesigwa *2

Verse 1

Mwagala kufa ate manyi

That she loves me the sameway

Ooooh mama

Oooohm mama

Lwe luyimba lwanyimbisa

Looking into her eyes, kyendaba 

gwe mukwano nobwesigwa

Namuwa obwesigwa bweyasubiiza

But she never let me down

I see the deep soul when I look into her eyes mwagala kufa kulwekyo kyemanyi

I see the deep soul when I look into her eyes mwagala kufa kulwekyo kyendaba

Akasenge akakosefu Ku mutiima nakawa ye tekuliko competitor 

I see the deep soul when I look into her eyes mwagala kufa kyemanyi


Verse 2

Ooooh baiby nkwagala naye simanyi oba omanyi  omukwano gwenina gyooli

Nz'omu kube wesiiga

Nange gwo'mu kube nesiiga

Sagala ondekewo mukwano mu mpeewo ekunta

Kubanga bwogenda "ndi sigala ninda"*2

Oluusi bwogenda "nzo'luusi mpubala"*2

"Napenda we beibi, akuuna mwingine"*2 
